Why do you want to be part of BTC?
I want to be a part of BTC because in the last 2 years my priorities have shifted in major ways. I find myself wishing I had gone into public service where I would have had the opportunity to directly help others. BTC is my chance to make a real, genuine impact on others' lives. The bonus is that I get to collaborate with other creatives!
What area of expertise do you plan on contributing to BTC?
I plan on assisting in event management/coordination.
What social issue are you interested in addressing?
I am excited to be addressing human trafficking, specifically child sex trafficking. As a mother of four beautiful children my heart breaks at just the thought of a child being trafficked and sexually abused.
How many years have you been in your career?
I have spent 15 years in event management focusing on large scale events making sure every detail is perfectly executed.
How do you see BTC making a change on social issues?
I believe that BTC will make a change with the social issues we address by creating events that are intensely thought provoking which will open people up for discussion and the stigma associated with these issues will fade. Everyone involved with BTC is committed to giving a part of their deepest selves in the hope of touching others so deeply that they are inspired to create change.